Our Farms

At our farms , we follow ancient natural methods of farming practices, which has effective solutions for pest control and soil nutrition enrichment. We aim to build the most sustainable system of agriculture, and be self-dependant for agricultural inputs. All our pest controlling remedies are prepared inside our farming units with local inputs like cow manure, herbs etc. Vermi compost is used as manure and produced in the farming unit itself.
Crop enrichment and soil enrichment is achieved by the application of traditional inputs such as Panchakavya and Jeevamrutha.

Apart from our own farms,  has created clusters of farming groups to cater to our growing requirement of quality organic products. The farmers under of cluster of farms are aided with Organic Agriculture Know-How, Certification costs, periodical training and are supervised by our field supervisors regularly. Periodical soil test, leaf test are carried out to ensure that farming practices conform to our Organic standards.

Some of the techniques and practices integral to organic farming are listed. This list is not complete in itself, and farmers can innovate and adapt to suit their surroundings. That is what organic farming is